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[vac2] 03.18.08 Client Side Vac/vac2

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[VAC2] 03.18.08 Client Side VAC/VAC2 Module Update

The VAC2 module has updated. CampStaff was online during this update and did notice this Steam-wide update. I can confirm that there is a recent change to VAC2's md5 hash. Credit: Suxx, Patrick, ORGANNER, BrollySSJ




What this means for you.


1. Valve Anti-Cheat's (VAC2) module has possibly been updated to include the most recent cheats

2. If this is the case, it is suggested that you stop using detected cheats released before the client module updated.

3. If you have used cheats, after this module update, their is a possibility your account will be permanently engine (HL1 / HL2) banned for cheating infraction.

4. If you do become banned, please report which cheat you had used. This helps validate which cheats are, and are not getting people banned.


We ask, that you refrain from asking the timeless question "Is this detected." Reason:

Some people will tell you that it's not, some will tell you that it is, others will tell you that they have no idea, this won't really result in anything as long as there aren't a bunch of detection reports.


Use it if you want to use it and take the risk of getting banned, otherwise don't. :v

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