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How To Login Even Faster With Nodc Clien

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After the bot bans loggin in is horrible even with nodc client


With this guide I'll learn you how to speed up silkroad with cheat engine and login up to 3X MORE then with normal nodc client!



1. Download Cheat engine from: Cheat Engine


2. Install Cheat engine.


3. Run silkroad (typ your ID and PW if you want) and CE (cheat engine)


4. In CE click on the upper left button (with green/red glow) and select sro_client.exe (you might scroll down) and click on OK.


5. In CE click on 'enable speed hack' (middle right) and wait, 2 new boxes apear and enter this: Speed = 600 and Sleeptime = 0001.


6. Click on 'set speed'.


7. Go to silkroad, everything should go faster now (around 600 times),

just login on the normal nodc way: connect, typ code, press enter but now: when cannot connect shows up (half a second) dircet press conect and click enter twice (sometimes trice) you can redo this now every second, and not every 10 seconds, but with code entry this way is around 3 times faster.


8. Just try again and again and again untill you login.


9. Go to CE and typ this at the speed hack section to return it to normal: Speed 1.0 - sleeptime 30 (NOT 3! JUST 30! believe me 3 doesn't work).


10. You now play on normal speed!


Some think you should know:

It works with multiclient, just pick the right sro_client.exe


For more info over CE go to Cheat Engine


Speed hack IN GAME doesn't work, you just get teleported back


Gold cheat with CE is nice to make screenshots, but will be changed back


I advice NOT to do this when you run silkroad with a very slow pc (not sure what will happen, I think lag)


Making the speed higher then 600 won't make a diffrence, only the clouds will go faster


Questions? ask them!


Cheat engine is clean: Virustotal. MD5: dbbb3ce2f5a2126dd9d20a32fa7e5310 Heuristic: Suspicious Self Modifying File

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