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Please Answer This Retarded Question

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In the state of Oregon the store owners are not aloud to touch you. They are not actually aloud to follow you off the store property or that is considered a form of harrassment, regardless wether you shoplifted or not. (that includes security guards)



When i was like 16-17 me and a few buddys stoll a conoe. We went into REI and brought a canoe to the front, asked an employee to help us load it onto the top of my buddys car, thats how we stoll it. Walking out like you payed for it is probably one of the best ways to steal somthing in all honesty, used to do it with beer all the time.


But in the end, and in the long run, stealing is never worth it. If you keep doing it, its only a matter of time b4 u get caught, and none of it becomes worth it. Get a job; problem solved.

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