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The StarCraft Hackers Tournament Begins.

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Hello everyone,


We've got some amazing news you've all been waiting to read about. After 3 months of planning, coordination and hard work, we're finally ready to announce the StarCraft Hackers Tournament. Everyone can sign up and join the Tournament. You'll be faced with a series of "hacker vs hacker" style game play on our custom map. You'll be using hacks in 3 rounds against another hacker. An Admin will be preset for each game, as well as observers and every match will be broadcast live over the Game Hackers Union Radio.


You can read all about this, including, rules, common questions, a gallery, videos, our sponsors and a place to register, here. Please do keep in mind, we're putting a limit on the max amount of players accepted, and that's 200 or before July 20th. Once everything has been coordinated with the players the matches will begin. Each match will be recorded and scheduled in our Calender.


So, why should you join, you ask? The prizes! First Place get's $50 USD as well as a free domain name and hosting from PurgeHosting. But that's not all. Second Place and Third Place will also receive rewards. So, sign up now and reserve your spot for a chance to win it all and prove yourself to be the best Starcraft Hacker there is.


Goodluck Contestants,

~Ghoztcraft Administration.



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