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Drone Float Source

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This can be used as alot of stuff heres a fuction i clearly wrote by just adding the 2 X, Y.


BWFXN_CommandUnit	   dd 4BFF80h


ExecuteCommandXY proc	Command:DWORD, X:DWORD, Y:DWORD

	 push X
	 push Y
	 push 00h
 mov edx, Command
 push 0E4h
 xor esi, esi
 push 00h
 push 00h
 call dword ptr [BWFXN_CommandUnit]

ExecuteCommandXY endp


This is the function used to create a DroneFloat or anything else.


.if key == VK_F5 
	 mov eax, dword ptr ds:[68C134h]   ;SelectedUnit

   .if eax == 41	 ; DroneID
   invoke ExecuteCommandXY, 1Ah, 50, 00h


1Ah = X

50 = Y

00h = Execute

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