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Flat Earthers

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Flat Earthers website.


I don't know if they let there 5 year old draw up their website design but reading what they have to say, it's no joke. They truly believe the earth is flat and the pictures of earth are false and the moon landing never took place.


should read some of it.


Argument Three - The impossibilities of holding unsecured objects in place on a curved surface


1) Staying on top


Once again, picture in your mind a round world. Now imagine that there are two people on this world, one at each pole. For the person at the top of the world, (the North Pole), gravity is pulling him down, towards the South Pole. But for the person at the South Pole, shouldn't gravity pull him down as well? What keeps our person at the South Pole from falling completely off the face of the "globe"?




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...*cough IDIOTS* omg who said that

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theres always a person who has his/her beliefs

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Lol. I like how "Evidence" is currently under "Construction". xD

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After spending over sixteen million dollars and using over 48 thousand yards of industrial strength strapping tape, we of the Flat Earth Society were able to construct an enormously powerful neurotransmitter that can implant suggestions directly into the brains of the nearby non-Flat Earthers. Having set it up just outside of the Russian Antarctic exploration post (Vostok), we are awaiting word that all three scientists and 174 penguins have been shown the light.


After reading that I am calling out the bluff. I don't think this is a serious website. Yes there are some mathematical calculations and other things that show that the earth could be flat but, this website is presented like an argument page used for an analysis of argument college class. Not anything official.

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Anything is possible I guess. Plus all reality is our perceptions from chemical stimuli so if you change certain chemicals you make someone believe anything is real.

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Simple, strap a rocket to one of the flat-earthers ass, and shoot them into orbit. Done.

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Man...These guys are stupid. Did they not go to school? >_>


And how the hell would you fly AROUND the world when it's flat? >_>

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Some people just like to be different. Pretty funny stuff.

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Man...These guys are stupid. Did they not go to school? >_>


And how the hell would you fly AROUND the world when it's flat? >_>


Lies see what happens is when you go "around the world" in a plane or any other vehicle you simply go threw a portal to the other side :P






now see there are portals at A and B you can go threw the portal in the direction you want for example if your flying east you will come out of portal A after you enter portal B of course. /sarcasm

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just like having dual monitors. the mouse will just fly off one and continue on to the



I thought this website seemed cheesy but these people are real. It's sad really.

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It's funny that for some of their arguments, they are actually supporting modern physics ideas. For instance, light does not behave only as "waves" it also behaves like particles. It apparently behaves like both from what we can observe. And when they were arguing about the Earth's orbit around the sun, yes, we are constantly accelerating around the sun. That statement is technically correct XD However because of Earth's own gravity, the crap that's on it doesn't fly off of it... Which they fail to understand, and is so hilarious.

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yep, but its better than nothing


virtual can illude people

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it's a farce you guys... for christ sake.

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i doubt this is real. The makers of the website are just trolling....



and BTW mythbusters did a show on the moon landing the other day.. They were able to prove all the evidence that claimed the moon landing to be fake.. As is, they proved the theories were wrong,and chances are we really did go to the moon.

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Wow it's in wiki it must be legit! :thumbsup:

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