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black hole type project thing scares me

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i know but my dream looked epic tho seeing ppl and crap getting sucked in

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Wait how does they going past the speed of light make them die from black holes? o.o


because Einstein theorized that nothing can travel faster then the speed of light...

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Speed of light isn't a static amount. Can be slower or faster than the set 186,282.397 miles per second in vacuum.

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i just recenetly found out that a ton of a scientists are gonna be making some kind of thing that lets them see in the past or somthing i havent read to much about cause it has me worried that it might destroy the world by creating tons of micro black holes and that one might grow and swallow up the earth i havent read that much about it its just havin me a bit scared and one thing i heard is that their gonna be testing in october or somthing or september but right now all i know is that there's a chance the world is gonna be destroyed and one other thing that worries me a little is the 2012 thing but not as much as this black hole thing but any news about it that wont get me scared anymore?


The world is not ending in 2012 if you read the world explorer thing they say probably in 2032 or 2036. You have a long time to live

unless someone murder you or sickness but that won't happen 9/10. And i was the same way when i was 11 but im 12 and i know thats its not gonna end! Also if you read more about it, it will not make a black hole but still. On the brightside nothing is gonna happen to chilllaze.

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No, i very doubt it they are just a bunch of cults who make up so rubbish, do not listen to it.

besides i heart it was near Christmas o.o.

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im not talking about the 2012 thing

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Wait how does they going past the speed of light make them die from black holes? o.o


because Einstein theorized that nothing can travel faster then the speed of light...

That still doesn't explain why that would make them die from black holes.


(and if Einstein really theorized this then he was wrong. Watch Startrek!) :D

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