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GC Photography Competition Rules

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Here is a list with the rules regarding Ghoztcraft's new Photography Competition:



* You must have 50 posts before you can enter. VIP Members & staff are exempt from this rule.


* We will do our best with setting a new theme each month, the theme will be stated in the entry thread. Your entry must have something to do with the theme.


* There is no size limit. But it's harder to win a 1st prize when it's an extreme large picture where we have to scroll up and down and horizontally every time to actually take a good look at the picture.


* Multiple entries are NOT allowed, you may only enter with one photo (if it's still ongoing you can change the photo if you have a better one though).


* Do NOT post your entry with the img tag, but post a direct link. This in order to keep the pages load normally since photo's can be big.


* We have a zero-tolerance with porn pictures. If you post one you will get disqualified, warned and suspended. Of course the classic statues are allowed.


* Your name must be put on the photo (with a program such as Photoshop/Paint/GIMP etc.)


* No photomanipulations. You can change size, add a little contrast etc. to make it look a little better though.


* You will have an entry period of two weeks. That should be plenty of time to go out and take a picture. The voting length will be one week.


If you break any of these rules you are subject to disqualification/warning/suspension, if you are disqualified you may not finish the current competition, and are banned from the next competition as well.


** If you get caught ripping/stealing a photograph you will get a permanent ban **

Edited by Rdy2Killz

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