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[C++] StarCraft hacking

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Hello. I've recently begun to mess around with ReadProcessMemory and have an OK grasp of what it does, how it works, etc. I have written programs by myself, for myself to test the functionality of it.


I have successfully used it on other applications (games specifically) such as Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Diablo, etc... When I attempted to use it with StarCraft: Brood War (v1.16), it didn't work. It returned an error code of 6.


Here's my code:

#include <iostream> 
#include <windows.h> 

#define OffsetRead (void*)0x00641060

using namespace std;

int main() {

system("TITLE Reader");

BYTE OverwriteNumbers[] = {0x9A, 0x02};
int ReadNumbers = 0;

unsigned long WindowsPID;		 /* Windows Process ID */
unsigned long NumBytesRead;	   /* Number of bytes read - returned by ReadProcessMemory */
char WindowsName[] = "Brood War";	/* The Window Title to get the Window Handle from to convert into a PID */
BYTE BytesToBeRead[50] {0x00};  /* array to hold the read info */

HWND WindowsHandle = FindWindow(0, WindowsName);
if (!FindWindow(0, WindowsName)) { printf("Window %s not found!", WindowsName); cin.get(); exit(0); }

GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowsHandle, &WindowsPID);  /* Get windows PID from a window handle */
HANDLE WindowsProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, WindowsPID);

ReadProcessMemory(WindowsProcessHandle, OffsetRead, &BytesToBeRead, sizeof(BytesToBeRead), &NumBytesRead);


return 0;


Is there any reason why it returned an error?

Is there a way to "fix" or get around this issue (if it is unresolveable)?


Any and all answers are appreciated. Thanks.

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Hey, I have no idea how to program anything other than my WiiMote to work on my comp.

Seeing as how inactive the programing section here is I'll pass this along to a few programing/game hacking pals to see if they have any ideas.

In the meantime why not stay and be active on the Ghoztcraft?

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Hey, I have no idea how to program anything other than my WiiMote to work on my comp.

Seeing as how inactive the programing section here is I'll pass this along to a few programing/game hacking pals to see if they have any ideas.

In the meantime why not stay and be active on the Ghoztcraft?


This site loads slow (for whatever reason), which I find quite annoying. It has very inactive users (via programming section), which is one of the only reasons I'd ever use a forum; I don't use forums to socialize.


If you have any information regarding my post, please post an answer, or further information on it.


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