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Version: Final

Author: Antihaxer

Category: 1.16.1







A very well made multihack.

Resurrection Final

By: Antihaxer

For: Starcraft 1.16.1




Due to Warden after logging into bnet you will need to wait approx a minute for warden to be loaded. After a minute or so inject the hack and you will be able to play games with this hack injected only and get a win when you win and not a loss. This hack is undetectable as of 3/20/09. If you immediately inject after logging into to bnet you will crash. Remember to wait a minute!



F11 - Toggles 4 state spell matrix

F9 - Toggles 4 state stats hack

F8 - Toggles Lag Defender

F7 - Ping last nuke launch

F6 - Toggles chat Logger

F5 - Moves chat logger window to current mosue coordinates

+ Adds currently selected building to AutoQueue

- Removes currently selected building from AutoQueue

Del - Removes all buildings from AutoQueue



In Game

/statshack toggles stats hack Default on

/unitalert toggles unit alert Default on

/workercounter toggles worker counter Default on

/timer toggles timer Default on

/automine toggles automine Default on

/clear makes stats hack window clear Default off

/solid makes stats hack window solid Default off

/off toggles stats hack window Default off

/transparent makes stats hack window transparent Default on

/anti toggles anti irridate Default on

/repair toggles auto repair Default on

/idle toggles idle worker count Default on

/matrix toggles auto defense matrix Default on

/shield toggles auto shield recharge Default on

/palert toggles nuke and drop alerts Default on

/autosi toggles AutoScarabInterceptor Default off

/kill kills selected worker

/load load all select units into dropships

In Channel

/spoof "name" spoofs your name up to 14 characters


Other Features:

- Show map download status at all times.

- Save screenshots as bmps.

- Worker idle count.

- Sprite Counter

- Worker counter

- Larva spawn timer

- In game timer

- Automine

- Auto worker create on game start

- Host hack

- Currently warden proof

- Leader board automatically hidden when stats hack activated

- Crash Protection

- Drop Protection

- Drop/Nuke alert with mini map ping and player name

- 4 state stats hack Page 1:player name mins gas supply,Page 2:player name ally status zerg/terran/protoss supply Page 3:player # player name player ip player ping




AutoMine: All 4 miners on the start of the game will be sent to harvest minerals from the closest patch. Each worker will harvest from a seperate patch. This feature also automatically makes a worker on the start of every game.


AutoQueue: This feature automatically queues the last unit in the building continuously until you run out of resources/cancel the unit/turn off AutoQueue for the building. To add a building to AutoQueue simply select the building and press +. To remove you simply select the building and press -. To remove all buildings from the AutoQueue press Del.


Auto Scv Repair: If anything mechanical within a 100 pixel radius of any idle scv is damaged then the scv is automatically sent to repair it. Everytime a unit/building is damaged one scv is sent to repair it if within the 100 pixel radius range and it is idle. For instance: if there is 5 idle scvs around a tank and it get damaged one time then one scv will go repair it. Not all five, however, if the tank is damaged 5 times then all 5 scvs will be sent to repair it. Pixel radius is configurable in the ini.


Anti Irridate/Parasite: If a unit is irridated and damaged by it or is Parasited then it will suicide if it is a worker, if not then it will move to the coordinates 0,0.


Auto Defense Matrix: If one of yours units is within a 600 pixel radius of a science vessel that has 100 energy and your unit is being attack and currently does not have a defense matrix shield then the science vessels will automatically give one to that unit. Pixel radius is configurable in the ini.


Sprite Counter: There is a max of 1700 sprites that can be placed onto a map. After this happens you get the message that the map is maxed out. This counter shows you how many sprites there are so you know if the map is about to be maxed.


Auto Reaver/Interceptor: If you have enough resources than whenever a reaver/carrier is not full of reavers/interceptors they will be automatically made.


Chat Logger: Holds 50-100 in game chat messages depending on the length of the message. The chat logger is scrollable via buttons and moveable via the F5 key.


Ping Alerts: If a player attempts to nuke/drop then the map is pinged and their name is displayed on screen. Drop alert is only for your enemies.



dsg - <3<3<3

Oz-Fire -testing

iwannawin -testing

Chaoschild91 -testing

Salvinger -Helping me out with debugging and testing

attilathedud - <3

707 - <3

kc - GetPlayerColor proc

PizzaPan - Module hiding code

Zyn -zMapHack


Download The File


Submitted by XGhozt, on Mar 12 2009, 01:14 AM

Edited by XGhozt

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