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What does someone do when they care so much about someone, but that other someone does not seem to show as much caring about the first someone as they used to?


What if forgetting about them is not an option?

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Oh my. Good luck with that. It sucks. You have to find your resolve.

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Well if i was that someone, i would try to talk it over with the other someone, why that someone kinda forgot about the other someone.

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It is something you will never get over until you replace that feeling with anything else. You start thinking bout them, do something else, anything. Try not to think about it.( if you two arent togather than it WILL be easier.) do everything possible or any one. It will help and get better but the more you ask ppl and worry about it the easier it is to get down about it. Just cause you care doesnt mean they will ever care. Good luck with you mission in life. This is part of it!! I hope you can get through it.

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People get more feelings for each other when they spend more time together. But i f she doesn't reciprocate those feelings, then leave it be. You can still love someone and go about your daily life being happy and enjoying life with or without her. Heck, even a good marriage my parents said; "you only share your life together, the other person can't be your life. You have to live for yourself but not selfishly."


D on't make the mistake of centering your life around waiting for other people to love you. It is just a waste of time. Believe me I am 26 and I have been down this road a few times and the only way I was able to change that attitude was to realize that I can't wait for people to love me. It will happen when it happens.


But with that experience comes a lot of tears and regret. d on't let the negative feelings overwhelm you. Crying is a good thing for learning how to control your emotions and give you a good release. However, d on't let the sorry overpower your will to be happy. Take some time to reflect on the matter then afterwords, reward yourself with something that will make you happy.


For example, there was this girl back in my High school days that I was completely in love with. Her name was Debora. She was the most beautiful girl in the school (at-least I thought.) One day I decided to tell her how much I cared for her and wanted to know i f she would go out with me. She being the wonderful girl that she was, said; "I am sorry but I just d on't feel that way. Can we be friends?"


I was like; "wtf I thought we were already friends." This crushed me like a little kid at the mouth of an ant colony. It felt like my balls were making there way up my stomach.


But because of my previous let downs and heart breaks; I knew how to handle this. I went home cried for a few mins, then I ate some chocolate and treated myself to a movie and then went to a skate park and skateboarded my fucking heart out! Then while I was skating; I decided that she wasn't worth all the heartache and to move on.


So I did. Now it took time for the pain to go away because of how much I cared for her. It was hard but, eventually it did, and I have had many successful relationships since then. Even ones that were reversed where I didn't know someone had feelings for me and I rejected them.

Edited by Zar

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Thanks for sharing such information. I appreciate it.

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