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Resolution Expander

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Resolution Expander

Version: 1.0.0

Author: Hellinsect

Category: 1.16.1





Expand the default resolution of Starcraft.


This hack is a resolution expander that expands the size of the game play screen to the size given in the config file.



1. Click on the loader to start StarCraft.

2. Press + and - to control the size of the screen.

3. Inject any other hacks after logging into battle net.

4. Carrfully edit your ResSettings.ini to include the options you want.



There are several cases that could cause errors such as not having the correct res settings entered or using the hack with an incompatible hack. There is an error file that lists the errors located in your hack folder. Visit www.Ghoztcraft.net and report any errors with as much detail as possible.



Download The File


Submitted by hellinsect, on Feb 26 2010, 06:11 PM

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Hello Mate,


Me and a couple of my buddies are having difficulties to run your resolution expander with hamachi and Windows 7 machines because we need to use the forcebindip.exe to make it work under Windows Vista or 7.


Our only problem is that we cannot solve to make insectloader call not just simply the Starcraft.exe but the whole string:

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe "D:\Games\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe"


If you've got any idea on this issue we would really appreciate your response.


Thank you and great job btw!

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I wonder why your name sounds so hungarian. It's scary.


Anywho, ever tried this one instead?



It's unlikely that HellInsect will respond.

You could of course attempt to use a different loader, like LoaderX.exe or zLoader.exe



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Sorry to reply to an old thread, but as this comes up high on Google I thought I'd share my windows 7 fix to launch Star Craft/Resolution Expabder via a batch file.


Paste the following in Notepad and save it as starcraft.bat


@echo off

set process=StarCraft.exe


taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe

"C:\Program Files\Starcraft\InsectLoader.exe"



for /f "usebackq" %%T in (`tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %process%"`) do if not %%T==%process% GOTO STOP




start explorer.exe


This will constantly check to make sure StarCraft.exe is running and once you exit the program, automatically relaunch explorer.exe.

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Has HellInsect stopped completely working on this hack? There's still a few issue active. Like, moving units with the mini-map (units will sometimes go the wrong way). And a few other issues.

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