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Patch 1.3.3

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-Archons are now a massive unit.


A much needed buff, they were relatively useless in PvT due to Marauder slow affecting them.


-Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.


Not sure why this was implemented, time will tell if this is a wise nerf.


-Cybernetics Core

Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180.


This will mainly affect 4gate in PvP, I think it will be a positive nerf, make the matchup a bit more lively and less rock-paper-scissors.



Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.

Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37.

Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33.


These will compensate for the change to warpgates, allowing protoss to get their units earlier to account for early pressure.




Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.


Due to MULEs, this is a buff in a way. Not sure if I like this choice.



Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.


I'm very happy with this change. An ability like salvage that allows you to create a 'free' building doesn't have any place in a competitive RTS game.


-Spore Crawler

Root time decreased from 12 to 6.


Makes so zerg can defend from air easier (move around more) which is good because their earlygame AA is rather limited as is.


Bug Fixes


Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.

Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.


You can find the original post here on the StarCraft 2 Forums.




If you agree, disagree, or have any other comments about the changes in this patch or my commentary, feel free to post. :)

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I agree about the spore crawler.

I'm really glad though that they didn't also change the spine crawler time, which could have been a possibility.

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I was freaking out about making gateways take longer, but since they reduced the time to warp in, it's sort of not as bad.

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I was waiting for the Archon buff for a while now. many people have complained about it from previous patches. But I'm glad they did add it since they had the high templar nerf.

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Not too much of a patch compared to the last big one.

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Least it's a patch that shows they at least care about Starcraft 2. I wonder how much longer it'll be till basically all it says is "new patch! details... It's called 1.5!

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