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*Sniff Sniff* I smell bullshit.

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People say there is no such thing as young love. However sixteen year old son of billionaire Amit Boardmann, commits suicide after being told he has to marry an arabian girl, and is no longer allowed contact with english friend Henrietta Nash, who he has accidentally fallen in love with. Ratte leaves note beside his dead body stating;


"I am H's, and will only ever be hers."


And on the news tab



I am a dear friend of the Boardmann's. I have known them since Amit Boardmann (head of the family) and his son and heir Ratte Boardmann migrated to England in 2006. Amit owns an arabian oil company and in 2010 decided to move back to arabia with his son and new girlfriend, Clara, for the benefit of the company. Ratte was nearly sixteen and had made many strong friendships, however unbeknown to the family, one was to be his downfall.


Thirteen year old Henrietta Nash and Ratte had known each other for three years and had formed an unbelievably unbreakable relationship. The news of seperation drove both into despair, however they coped, keeping close contact throughout the move. After his sixteenth birthday, Ratte was told the news that he had to marry an arabian girl, Dena Bjhanna, at eighteen. This drove him over the edge. Without meaning to, Ratte had fallen in love with Henrietta.


His father knew this, as Ratte kept asking and asking to see her, but Amit forbid it. Infact, he band all contact. A few days later the sixteen year old boy was found dead on the floor of his room, a hunting rifle in his hand. Ratte had also left a long note, in which said;


"I am H's and will only ever be hers."




Lucinda Jones



What's your verdict?

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My thoughts exactly, i was just all like 'Wait what?' 'BUUUUULLLLSHIIITTTTTT'

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I am arab i am allowed to have contact with english and arab girls WTF?!?!?!?!

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My question is why? Why should I care about this? :/

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It was a good attempt of a topic... Just yea....no.

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Where are you quoting this? provide a source. and if the source is an email It's obviously BS, false news website BS, actually news on a legitimate news station; potential to be bias but most likely not BS

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