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GameGaurd/nProtect - npsc.des

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GG is a very common anti-hack protection, and is used in many games. Npsc.dll is what nProtect calls its SpeedCheck Module and from what I can tell without that being loaded GG cannot detect "speed hacks"


I'm sure most of you have used Cheat Engine before(which comes with a built in speed hack) or something similar like speedgear and as you can see GG allows those programs to launch but only when actively changing the game speed does it complain. With a more advanced task manager(like process hacker for example) you can "unload" that specific dll/module and then successfully "speedhack" in some games. I have tested this and it works fine.


The problem: GG (from what I have observed) periodically checks to see if it genuine or something along that line, and if you unload that module after a certain period of time(regardless if you attempted to cheat or not) GG says "GameGaurd has been falsified". I tried to reload the module but I had no real luck.. aka I don't know how to reload a module, I'm wondering if the speed hack could be used in bursts and so what would happen is:


1) the module gets unloaded

2) speed hack enabled

3) "hacking occurs"

4) before GG does it's check we disable the speed hack

5) then reload the module so GG leaves us alone.


My understanding of GG is not that deep and I may not be 100% accurate about the way it works and maybe reloading will do nothing but if anyone knows or can help out this could potentially lead to some interesting stuff.

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