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Where Plutomic has been.

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Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions .Sorry to hear that the process is shitty once you get out of prison. I guess i have some follow up questions that I would like to know and you dont have to answer them if you dont want to.

But have you ever considered or lied on an application about being a convicted felon?


How did you obtain the skills (in your case) for all these construct tools and knowledge? did you learn these skills in prison through schooling or were you lucky to pick up small jobs and gain knowledge as you go?


before prison did you go through other ways of deterrence such as probation or fines? Or was your only time being sentenced to jail?

If you did go through other legal ways before ending up for prison did you find them useful? or was it until you ended up in prison that you finally realized that hey... I need to better myself?


Sorry for all the questions. I am generally curious because I am actually going into a Criminal Justice background. I figured I would ask questions people ask me in class xD

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