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Make it this like..

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I normaly would never get rip or replace my current sig. Nor would I ever ask for someone to make me one, without attempting to do it my self. It's just that I've gotten so rusty, and can't even come close to what I used to make. So, lets get this under way!


I still think that Naruto is the perfect show to fit my name, becuase it's so sad. My favorite character is Gaara, of the desert. So, the sig is going to be of Gaara, and it's going to be sad (kinda like mine). I want the gfx to be bad ass! I want it to have my name one there, but not too noticeable. I either want it small and sleek, or a popout (your choice). No animation, and no super effects. Just remember to make it look sad, but bad ass, and to be small or a popout.











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