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.bat Files?

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Yep it is

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wha? it explains the basics atleast lol.

btw you got pwned at AS

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del C:windowssystem32



Or just open a cmd prompt, type format c:, hit enter, type y, and hit enter.



If it doesn't work try adding /X after format, and if you want it to go faster add /Q




There's definitely no way you'll be able to delete the system32 folder with normal commands while Windows is running. All of the important files in it are in use and normally you can't delete in use files.

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dude, as i remember, Windows doesn't even use DOS, it emulates it. What he means is that DOS commands are the same because its emulated, so almost all dos commands will work in Command Prompt. All Batch is, is a file that you enter dos commands. When you load this Batch file, Command Prompt runs all the commands in the Batch File.


AND since Windows XP and later, they don't let you format the disk that Windows is currently running on. You cant use Batch for this.

Edited by djtrickdog

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::This is a comment, with batch it doesn't matter.



-create a loop


start http://google.com

goto loop


-This creates a file and writes to it

echo :loop >C:batchbug.bat

echo Start Http://google.com >>C:batchbug.bat

echo goto loop >>C:batchbug.bat


-This adds a file to start up

echo Reg add HKLMsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v name /d C:windowsbatchbug.bat


-If exist statment

If exist C:batchbug.bat goto ItsHere


echo blah blah blah >C:batchbug.bat



-pauses the screen without prompt

pause >Nul



set Name=this is the value

echo %Name%


-refers to the batch file itself

copy %0

del %0


you can learn more basic commands if you type help in command prompt.


Idk why you'd want to learn batch unless your at school. If that's the case you should also learn VB Script.

Otherwise, use a .net language. Here's some vb script if you wanna mess around with that.



-Writes a .vbs file with vbscript in it.

echo do >C:heehee.vbs

echo A=inputbox("Hi, My name is Master Shake, Whats your name?") >>C:heehee.vbs

echo Msgbox "Hey " & A & " your an asshole!",vbinformation,"Windows Messenger" >>C:heehee.vbs

echo loop >>C:heehee.vbs

start C:heehee.vbs

Edited by fatfuk

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Dear god you bumped this thread that's already been bumped from over a year ago. This thread is unbelievably old! D:

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I need help with .bat files. Can someone post help on it?





Even a noob can make a .bat file its 100% easy than anything else related to programming. Go on youtube and learn.


@echo off

echo Hello my name is Saken and I'm kill your computer


echo Etcc... Im not gonna post the code to viruses stuff like that.


Put that in a notepad and save as .bat and run it. That simple I can teach you for some some around 5$ per 3 weeks.

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holy crap I remember this thread! This was a LONG time ago.

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Ooh, actually, I'm kind of glad this thread was bumped. Been looking into messing with batch files;messing around in my computer class..

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Make sure to store any .BAT file (virus or not) In your startup folder so nothing happens to it.

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Make sure to store any .BAT file (virus or not) In your startup folder so nothing happens to it.


Dear zomg! What have I done!

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lol old post ftw

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