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About the Starcraft Server

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What do you mean by "Private Starcraft Server"?

  • Well its known as pvpgn, I'm sure you can use google. And its basically the beta version for the first battle.net that was released, only we have control over it and we can do whatever we want to. So its basically like having our own battle.net server, but this one is for hackers.


What are we allowed to do?

  • Well, this is the best part of all. You can use ANY version of Starcraft to connect and use ANY hack for that version of Starcraft. That's right, there is no version check at all. So this means if you wanted to, you could install version 1.12 and have a friend login with 1.12 as well. Then play a 1v1 game with whatever hacks you want to use. I would also note, this includes mods! Also, there are NO banned CD keys, so you can make one up and it will connect to the server. So, with this case, the only reason you will be banned is if you piss an admin off. You will be banned via IP or ISP, or MAC Address.

Whats the Point?

  • Good Question, the idea of this thing is to look at it from a club perspective. You can use just about any name you want, as there are more allowed characters. You can make your own official channel if you want to, we can make clan channels in the blink of an eye, just ask for one. So, basically you can do whatever you want to! Its also possible for you to get your own image in the channels. You will see what I mean when you connect.


How do I connect to this Private Starcraft Server?

  • Hah! Well, its simpler then you might think. You just need to download the BnetGatewayEditor. And then add the server to the server list and restart Starcraft. Then, go to the battle.net screen, where you normally connect to play online, and you will see a U.S. Hack at the bottom, sorta like U.S. West. Click it and connect, don't forget you will need to register a new account.
    Server Information:

What about Bots?

  • Allowed! Connect as many bots as you want, flood the channel and that might piss us off, thus leading to a BAN. So, abuse, but please abuse respectfully. :D

I cant play games!

  • That's ok, the server ain't broken, its just your router. You just need to forward the port's 6112, etc.. Its on the battle.net site. Once you do that you will be able to host stuff. If you still can't, feel free to open a topic.

Can I have my own Icon?

  • Yeah! You need to talk to masterx, he can help you get your own icon setup. If you dont know what an Icon, is thats the lil thing next to your name when your on the game server.

Want your own banner?

  • If you want your own banner on the server theny you can just let us know and create the banner, and post it in a new topic. We will resize it and all that crap to fit perfectly, just try to keep the same dimentions as best as you can. Look at the ones int he server now to look at an example.

Can I have my own Clan?

  • Oh yeah you can. just ask for one, and we will create it, make a new topic for this. Give details such as why, and who, and what. You get the idea.

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