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My Lightning Sorcerer Guide

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Well... i'm bored yet again so im typing out my speed sorc.




strength: 106

dexterity: 100 (for decent block)

energy: 85 should do.

vitality: the rest here.




Charged Bolt-13


Chain Lightning-20

Lightning Mastry-20


Static Field-1


Thunder Storm-20

Energy Shield-2(still use this!)







Helm- Griffon's Eye w/ 5/5 Light Facet(A MUST! crucially increses damage, or if you want take a CoA(need enigma or some other massive str boost) and put dual 5/5 light facets)


Armor- Tal's Laquered plate, stick a 5/5 light jewel in here. (if you dont want fcr from the set, use a p light ormus, along with +3 chain lightning, and a 5/5 light facet in it, or use Enigma/coh/fort, I use ormus/fort.)


Amulet-Tal's ammy (if not doing tals, use maras/+2sorcskill rare ammy/+3 light skill ammy)


Weapon-P light tal's wep, along with a 5/5 light jewel(no tals? no prob:

P hoto, P eschuta's w/ 5/5 light facet(what I use), Mang's Song lesson(PWNZ WHEN Perf!), Ondal's Wisdom+4 skills(both mang's, and ondal's are two handed, but mangs gives 25% fcr , +5 skills, and -15% light resd on enemys when p, ondals gives +4 skills, 45% fcr, +450-550 def, +40-50 energy, and more exp erned)


Belt- Tal's(not using tal's? grab Arach or P dungos)



Rings- a Raven Frost, And a SOJ


Shield- P fcr Spirit.(or ofcourse the wonderous 4soc shield w/ 4 5/5 light facets. Others: Headhunters Glory with either 3 bers, or 3 5/5 light facets, Lidless with a 5/5 light facet, Dream runeword in a decent shield(recomended: Troll nest/Scutum/Dragon shield), or possibly Moser's Blessed Circle with 2 5/5 light facets.)


Gloves- defenitly Magefists, These give fcr, and they have two mods that make them for mana regen: +1 fire skills(warmth really) and Regenerate Mana 25%.


Boots- Silkweaves.





Merc: Choose Cold, Fire, Poison, Or Light. Get defiance merc no matter what.


Weapon- Eth P Doom Cryptic Axe

Armor-Eth Fortitude, or Eth Jeweler's Sacred Armor of the Stability(warning: THIS ARMOR IS EXTREMELY HARD TO COME BY! a 4os eth sacred with 24 fhr? lol)


Helm- do i really have to answer this? a p nightwings w/ a 5/5 cold facet.





Weapon-eth Hand of justice Cryptic Axe

Helm-CoA with dual 5/5 fire facets

Armor- Eth Sacred Armor Stone(mine is Perfect... long time to get but im using it on another merc :/ )




weapon- Infinity Cryptic(hopefully eth)


armor- 21 thorns Bramble




Armor- Bramble.(eth)

Wep- Pebotd War Pike

Helm- Coa w/ 2 40/15 dmg ias jewels, Anderials, or 8/8/25 Gaze




Wep: Hoj or Doom, Do you want cold or fire? in my opinion cold.(eth)

Armor: Bramble.(eth)

Helm: Dream.(eth)


Added: DAMAGE-(Might merc)


Wep-P EBOTD War Pike

Armor-4os w/ 4x 40/15 jewels

Helm-Dream(best eth), or 3os helm with 3x 40/15 jewels




Wep:P Eth Doom Cryptic

Armor: P Tyreal's Might

Helm: P Eth Nightwings w/ 5/5 cold die facet

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