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SC 2 and hacks

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How much you guys want to bet that the first thing people do are going to make hacks and mods for Starcraft 2? :sick: I mean come on, these days you can't play a fair game of Starcraft BGH Melee without someone using Uberhack/Oblivion...etc. >:P I have found that hacks only make the game for the hacker, a good way to stop this is PENGUIN PLUG! It kicks people hacking off of Starcraft completely so they have to start over. :haha:

Half the games I play are either against Comps or UMS because you just can't play a fair game of Starcraft anymore. Everyone in the whole damn world will want hacks for Starcraft 2 and it's going to sicken me that you do this to a perfectly balanced game! >:D >:( >:( Every REAL gamer can play any game without hacks and cheats! :biggrin: Someone who respects a game plays it as it is, I don't know, maybe I'm just a guy who likes to play games where people who have no skill what-so-ever can slaughter anyone in the Koprulu Sector (Human Sector). :wasntme: Every man known to Starcraft can play with hacks, the real gamers have beaten the whole storyline, beginning with Starcraft - Broodwar without some of the more popular cheats** such as:


Black Sheep Wall - Reveals the whole map

Show Me The Money - 10,000 Gas and Minerals

Breathe Deep - 500 Gas

Power Overwhelming (an actual saying..from the Protoss Archon) - Invincible

Midieval Man - All technology upgrades

Whats Mine Is Mine - 500 Minerals

Food For Thought - Unlimited Supply (Build to two-hundred without building Pylons/Overlords/Supply Depots.)

Operation Cwal - Instant Upgrades, Almost Instant Building

Modify The Phase Variance - Build without meeting requirements

Noglues - Enemies can't use psionics

Something For Nothing - 1 Weapon and Armor Upgrade

Staying Alive - Keep playing even after killing everyone

Game Over Man - Lose the game instantly

There Is No Cow Level (Probably the most popular) - Instant victory

The Gathering - Unlimited Psionic Ability (like unlimited Mind Controls...etc...etc)

Now I know that there are probably going to be cheats similiar to these and I won't deny that I haven't used these in a CUSTOM MAP, but in the storyline I did NOT use them. It took me a long time to do this, but eventually I beat both, and trust me, it's more rewarding, my brother used cheats the whole time and when he powered his way through Starcraft and Broodwar he was very dissappointed. Now don't mistake this for a lecture, it's just a sad thing that I happened to realize and notice that Starcraft 2 is probably going to be tainted even before the bugs are fully kicked out. :stink: Anyways have fun, and keep CRAFTING! :icon_lol:

**All cheats are curtesy of http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/mac/code/575421.html


| SocialRetard911/Slonthnakar/Sgt.Retard.ff |


Edited by SocialRetard911

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You realize that we are a hacking website right?

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You realize that we are a hacking website right?


Yes I do lol, But I decided as my first Post to do something about Starcraft 2, as is Hacking was the first thing come to mind and I felt like being a protagonist not an antagonist =D


Sorry to the Ghoztcraft members but I felt like having fun lol.

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WARNING: The above poster lacks the skills and brainpower nessicary to own a h4x0r.

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Don't bother with him. Just look at his name and see why he's doing things like this, and then move on with life.

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@ the Retard.

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Dude, if we release hacks for SC2 thats our problem not yours. im presuming Blizzard will make it very hard to create hacks on SC2

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Dude, if we release hacks for SC2 thats our problem not yours. im presuming Blizzard will make it very hard to create hacks on SC2


Mhmmm... But there will always be those people who find their way around it >.>

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Wow nice Necro. Look at how OLD the thread is, and when the last post was posted. O_O Stop trying to turn this place into ZEROGAMERS! I DO NOT WANT TO BE AN ASSHOLE!


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