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Resident Evil 4 PC

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Ok I need some help with Resident Evil 4 for pc. I need the list of gamepad number keys. so far I have 3 which is enter 5 is left shift 6 is right shift. I need a complete of those 1 2 4 and idk but if ther eis 7. And I need a guide for this. Thx I appreciate it.

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So far all I found was this, for controls:


"The biggest oversight amongst all these porting issues is that of controls. Resident Evil 4 doesn't support mouse controls, though it does offer a mildly clumsy keyboard-only scheme. Plenty of console-centric games play better with a gamepad, but there wasn't even an attempt to implement decent PC controls here. To experience the game the way it's meant to be played, you need to plug in a gamepad. Whichever method you choose, the controls present an issue during the famous context-sensitive moments that require a few split-second button presses. If you end up using the keyboard controls, make sure to memorize which key is button 1, which key is button 2, and so on. The same issue exists with a controller, though it's a bit easier to get the button presses right because the in-game diagrams are tailored toward gamepad users."



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Eh I'm too cheap to get a gamepad. I need the keyboard buttons for 1 2 4 in gamepad

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