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Glug bot

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About This File

This version is UNDETECTED


This version is UNDETECTED, uses a NEW IMPROVED METHOD, works with AA 2.5, has 100% CVAR PROTECTION option, a OPTIMIZED AIM and a WORKING TRAINING HACK.

It should work for everyone now, on the condition u disable Universal Shield!




Quick FAQ

Q: Im still getting kicked! Just like old Glugbot!

A: If you've used Glugbot XT Beta, then you have to delete your User.ini. Or search in your User.ini for the line: AutoLoad= and delete that line.


Q: It doesn't work for me/I'm still getting kicked/I've had a critical error/Whatever

A: Post your error or kick log, and i'll see if I can, and in the mood, to help you.


Q: Function X doesn't work well in combination with function Y!

A: You are free to share this experience with other users, but don't count on it that i'll fix it.


Q: It's not loading!/It's detected!/I don't understand!/I get error!/It doesn't work!

A: Now boo-hoo.
