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About This File

Edit items.




; ********************************************************

; Manus-Magnus's items reader utility. Version 1.0... O_o

; ********************************************************


; ===========================================================================

; Move mouse on any item in stash/inventory and press <SPACE> key (default

; HotKey but you can change) and item stats are dumped in mm.ItemReader.txt

; To use this tool you must launch Diablo II using the mm.BOT.PLAY shortcut.

; Requirements is the same as mm.BOT, read more about this in bot manual.htm.

; Be in ACT 1 to write your items stats, because colors changes between Acts.

; You can stop the utlity using the <END> hotKey...

; ===========================================================================

; Choose your HOTKEY to launch the item stats dump (ENTER, F12, X, 1; etc...)

HotKey = SPACE

; ===========================================================================

; Name of your diablo II window

WName = Diablo II

; ===========================================================================

; Set up it to 2 if you got problems

IdingMouseSpeed = 1

; ===========================================================================

; Increase it if you got problems

ItemFocusDelay = 100

; ===========================================================================

; Change it to Medium or Normal if your system experiencing problems.

BotProcessPriority = High

; ===========================================================================
