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Starforge Plus

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About This File

More organized sound, units, upgrades, techs, and sprite files.


Starforge Plus - Readme




-More organized sound, units, upgrades, techs, and sprite files.


-Less files that you do not need.


-Does not need to be installed you just run it from this file.


-Removed "Crashes Starcraft", and Unused from sprites.


-All sounds found in the sound editor work.




-Extract this file to a spot on your computer where you will run

it from then create a shortcut of Starforge.exe and place it on

your program list.




I also have Heimdal's permission to send this to people

or post on sites here is my proof.


"My Aim Name: look at that, and read the readme I wana know if I can put that

on websites.

StarForgeFB: sure"


So dont worry its legal!


This is a beta version of Starforge 2.2 but it still needs all those run times and files!


( Starforge was made by Heimdal but I edited the files that made it more organized so thats he gets the author credit. )
