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Posts posted by XGhozt

  1. HOST: mc.Ghoztcraft.net

    PORT: 25565



    I need admins and moderators for this server, post here to discuss. I've never played minecraft before, so I don't know what I'm. But I did install anti-grif on this server, so you guys need to take it from here.

  2. I found this game gathering dust not to long ago and I've been sort of playing it on my free time here and there. It's actually a really good game and I'm much better at it now that I'm older. Anyone else been playing games like this? I attached a picture of one of my recent parks.




  3. Well, there's good news and bad news. Good news is, it worked. Bad news is, it didn't; there's another bill coming up as well to accomplish basically the same thing.
