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Brownie Man

 V.I.P. Member
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Status Updates posted by Brownie Man

  1. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

  2. I just stumbled on usenet, omfg

  3. they had to animate that, you should see the black eyed peas holograms

  4. Your broodwar "hacks" are offline "hacks"... Kind of useless?

  5. thats from orderbufferraep , you can download that from the forums here

    but it isn't 100% stable

  6. Im surprised xthar is still here

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brownie Man

      Brownie Man

      I think I joined GC about 7 years ago on my first account, but I lost that one on a server transfer. I remember xthar from back then and he claimed to leave a couple times so I was surprised to see him, and pluto too lol

    3. Xthar
    4. Smallz


      Hi can you please help me with a starcraft keycode? i tryed some but doesn't work can you help me come up with one?

  7. thanks for your comment. I appreciate it
