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 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Azqato

  1. Azqato

    SC BW CD Lost, need help..

  2. Azqato

    Reassuring the Ghoztcraft Community.

    Actually, three days after I installed anti virus tools on my windows laptop, it got a trjoan and the whole computer started to go slower. I had it running flawlessly for a year and a half without any protection. Protection < Unprotected :o
  3. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    "What is necessary is never unwise."
  4. Azqato

    Minor Changes to Ghoztcraft

    But...AJAX is so sexy :o. ll try to control my urges......
  5. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    Now you see the point.
  6. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

  7. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    O daymn gurl.
  8. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    I'm playing GTA in Africa. <3 FarCry2
  9. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

  10. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    Im bored in comp sci :(.
  11. Azqato

    New Myspace IM

    Facebook has only had this EXACT same feature for.....6 months?
  12. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    =O HESJTOIW$EJHToierhgourtra hes a racist!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    Yes he does.
  14. Azqato

    Happy Birthday Poply!

    Happy B-day You SExyYYyyY beast!
  15. Azqato

    Ghoztcraft Hamachi?

  16. Azqato

    This is for you computer kids!

    O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O
  17. Azqato

    This is for you computer kids!

    The opinion of one that has obviously never used a mac.
  18. Azqato

    I'm buying one too :O

  19. Azqato

    This is for you computer kids!

    Get a mac if you are willing to spend a little over 1,000. Otherwise, I simply suggest save more money and get a mac. Windows < Mac.
  20. Azqato

    XGhozt's Laptop Desktop.

    Care to share your backgroud? :( Also,
  21. Azqato


    Okay then.
  22. Azqato


  23. Azqato

    Hello 4 all : Nice Site

    You seem very mature, unlike 99.995% of people on the internet. Anyways, WELCOME TO Ghoztcraft =D