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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Azu

    Rep monster

    guess so but guess what i just FUCKED UP my display name on acident FUCK! lol. Why'd you set your title to Banned?
  2. Azu

    Ghoztcraft Promotional Graphics

    It's asexual.
  3. Azu

    Rep monster

    Aw, it's not there. Gotta be a paying subscriber or something?
  4. Azu

    Ghoztcraft Promotional Graphics

    WTH is an "It's" "It's" gay i know that An "it's" is a contraction of "it" and "is" ..................i kno wat "It's" and "Its" IS OK?! lol I'm not retarded smart ass i just think the thing is GAY You asked what it is. It's a language construct. It's asexual.
  5. Azu

    Rep monster

    i did <.< Are you Mr.Hellraiser? Yes i am <.< Wtf lol. How come in the rep window your name is that, but on here it's Gaara? It's not even an alt account o.o I clicked to rep you just now and it says I already repped you lol. How do set your name in the rep screen to be different then your forum name?
  6. Azu

    Ghoztcraft Promotional Graphics

    WTH is an "It's" "It's" gay i know that An "it's" is a contraction of "it" and "is"
  7. Azu

    Ghoztcraft Promotional Graphics

    No no, it's called
  8. Azu

    Rep monster

    i did <.< Are you Mr.Hellraiser?
  9. Azu

    Happy Birthday!

    16 w000t Congrats ^^
  10. Azu

    The Terrorist's Handbook

    This topic is now about gays.
  11. Azu

    Rep monster

    I +1repped u :D NOW +1REP NOW OR DESTRUCTION! Eh? Where is it o.o? http://www.Ghoztcraft.net/forums/index.php...reputation=3472 BTW deadman I repped you ^^
  12. Azu

    The Terrorist's Handbook

    Geourge is a pretty odd name, that's true.
  13. Azu

    Rep monster

    Ya that's what I meant, lol.
  14. Azu

    Rep monster

    You first =Þ
  15. Azu


    You can change his title? And if you do, it will tell him you did it?
  16. Azu

    No Forum?

  17. Azu

    The Terrorist's Handbook

    It's already in the bin of junk. If it stops getting bumped everyone will just forget about it and it won't be closed (unless someone necros it a few years later).
  18. Azu


    Getting him to neg you for no reason is easy. Just neg him for something really bad he did like this http://www.Ghoztcraft.net/forums/index.php...st&p=139647 and he'll neg back you right away, even though he deserved it.
  19. Azu

    No Forum?

    If you can post on this forum, then no, you aren't to addicted to WoW to post on this forum.
  20. Azu

    The Terrorist's Handbook

    It was to begin with.
  21. Azu

    The Terrorist's Handbook

    That's because the authorities are on to him. Shh
  22. Azu

    [anti-virus/firewall]using Common Sense

    Or both :> Or stick it in a password protected archive with a short description of what it does.
  23. Azu

    Lol! Plutomic.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law ftw