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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Azu


    Thanks for reminding me I probally would have missed it lol.. :thumbsup:
  2. Azu

    Funniest BillGates Diss ever

    That actually made me LOL! Bill gates is ebil it's a fact..
  3. Azu

    How to turn on a Computer

    Lol on windows xp 64bit 1. Press the power button 2. Wait 20 seconds for everything to start up 3. Repeat 1 and 2 if the power goes out (once every few months)
  4. Azu

    Starcraft Map Unprotecter

    lol you can also get it on the website of the guy that made it.. and ya, those links shouldn't be public. Map rigging FTL!