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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Azu

    Zhuinden, Azu And Loyal

    I'm glad I was just kidding. :)
  2. Azu

    Fan/Hater Tags

    Try again.
  3. Azu

    Nuke Anywhere Vip

    Okay back on topic now...
  4. Azu

    Nuke Anywhere Vip

    [spoiler]*Text here*[/spoiler]
  5. Azu

    Nuke Anywhere Vip

    No need to make so many empty lines. Just use spoiler tags or something ^^
  6. Azu

    Microsoft Seeks Path Beyond Gates’s

    http://blogs.reuters.com/mediafile/2008/06...-on-bill-gates/ http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssSoftwar...630130120080626 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/27/technology/27soft.html http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1461
  7. Azu


    So on his server the random number that determines how many have to be sold before it "pops" just happened to be over 11 thousand? 11506 of them have really been found and sold so far, it's not just a bug?
  8. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    Keep it up.
  9. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    That's right, go off on an irrelevant tangent. Weird that you pop up again right after trevor leaves.. maybe you really are the same person?
  10. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    I said you would do something, and you did it.
  11. Azu

    This Or That?

    Computer North or south?
  12. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    You're just proving my point, you know..
  13. Azu


    Probably just a display bug, since none of the things that normally happen when you sell lots of SOJs happened...
  14. Azu

    This Or That?

    Cadmium Batteries FTW. Hopefully I won't be needing caesium for a while. Tritium or deuterium?
  15. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    Guess that's a yes.
  16. Azu

    Nuke Anywhere Vip

    Everyone who keeps arguing against the obvious.
  17. Azu

    Microsoft Seeks Path Beyond Gates’s

    Actually I think he's getting paid less now, since he's not going to be doing much in microsoft anymore.
  18. Azu

    Protoss Mineral Exploit In Action

    Ya, it just so happens and no one ever finds him in an online match. He has online hacks, he just chooses to never use them online. Right.
  19. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    I'm still waiting on your reply. Or are you just going to get all illogical and random like trevor does?
  20. Azu

    Microsoft Seeks Path Beyond Gates’s

    And.. that effects the world how, exactly?
  21. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    Nah then he'll start begging again.
  22. Azu

    Microsoft Seeks Path Beyond Gates’s

    Basically he's going to have next to nothing to do with Microsoft from now on.
  23. Azu

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    If "asking" for something over and over incessantly, but offering nothing in return, isn't begging then what is? LOL Anyways.. you're welcome for the keys. Could've at least said thanks.