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Posts posted by Azu

  1. Well what the fuck are you trying to do then, be annoying on purpose?

    Lets just calm down and eat cookies here :cookie?:

    I'm just waiting for him to stop denying it and trying to flame me for calling him out.

  2. No, you moronic fuck, playing stupid won't help your case.

    I'm talking about idiocy like this;

    No one knows my age lol



    It's annoying when pretentious idiots act like people actually give a shit about them, and that people will think it's "cool" if they try to act all aloof and shit. It's just fucking annoying. Knock it off.

  3. I need a lot of help with trying to start a clan.I think I already have the basics down for starting one but I'm not positively sure.Please help me with this.

    Do you have a name for it yet? Do you have any friends that want to join it? Have you decided which game mode you want the clan to focus on?



    If not, these are a good place to start.

  4. Every time i join a game on battle.net i drop i turned off hacks and i still dropped why do i keep dropping?

    Try using a different screen name and see if it still happens.

    If it still happens try pressing windows key + r and typing ipconfig /release and try joining a game again in 10 minutes.


    BTW can you host?




    try checking your cpu for virus? :D

    CPUs are non-programmable. They can't have viruses.
