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Posts posted by TT11

  1. They might have more social life than all you beggers. They WILL eventually create hacks in 1 week. But the patch was made yesterday. How the hell were they supposed to make a new bypass, the features and the other stuff as well, in such a short amount of time? Do you OBVIOUSLY think that they are mindless machines? They have a life. They have more life than you. They will be ready with hacks soon enough. Stop the damn whining.


    Edit: This is my 1000th post.


    Also, if you think you can be faster, write the hack yourself. Or be patient and wait.




    zhuinden i said when they coming out not ask for a damn lil speech u tryed to just pull off.


    all u had to say was they will come out in a couple weeks or so not your lil speech over here u annoying mouthed nerd.


    I would ban your sorry ass if that wasnt barely related to this thread.




    u woudlnt do nuthing u are a annoyng kid just answer next time dont be a annoying mouthed smelly nerd.
