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Everything posted by Speedskater

  1. Speedskater

    New Leaked YouTube Video

    yeah the new units are the same just look different hardly different to but still i havnt seen it so thanks for posting it
  2. Speedskater

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    i prefer xbox 360 for graphics, but Wii is fun in groups, PS3 i think is way to pricey and the graphics are about the same to xbox 360, and i have to admit oblivion can show great detail
  3. Speedskater

    Paris Hilton's Ordeal.

    paris should get about a year in jail but no, shes getting a 45 day home arrest. how does this sound to you "(name) you're going to pay your time on a 12 acer house for 45days? hell how is that punishment