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Posts posted by Speedskater

  1. Nice LP. And yeah the thing that interested me most about this was how powerful the internet can be. and like LP's video said how some people are stupid.

  2. yeah the comic was great. Happy Easter everyone, hope everyone had a good one.

    I agree with Speed. Happy easter everyone! and How can you not have a good one on easter?


    Your Bunny turns into chocolate ...

  3. Welcome back proslasher glad to see you're doing well. Do tell us if you get married.


    I've been doing pretty great lately. The US Junior Short Track Speed Skating team and I brought home a medal at Junior World Cup in Australia. I'm currently on break from skating till May and I have been relaxing and doing work for my parents. I plan on going to college soon. I'm going out with a really hot chick at the moment so I'm pretty stoked.


    also active is a generous word for for this site at the moment. we do post occasionally. sometimes we don't post for quite a while, and there's random drop ins from old members like you. We had a huge surge of new members who were huge "terraria" fans. who are mostly younger members.
