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Posts posted by Speedskater

  1. Forgot to mention what I'm playing, MW3 because my friends refuse to drift away. and occasionally borderlands. but at the moment I'm mostly looking for a new game to play.


    I might try out blacklight retribution anyone here play it?

  2. I was just about to post this on Ghoztcraft. But I must say great post. I do have mixed views about it. But I will support its cause.


    I'd actually like to hear your mixed opinions because I have some as well (Probably because I don't know all information going into this). Because I understand what want, but at the same time I don't. some examples would be, Do they want UN involvement or USA involvement? What sort of reaction is this organization looking for? (I thought what obama did was quite appropriate when this was mentioned a year or so earlier).


    I really hope this group is going for the united nations to react to this rather then one government. Especially since if one army goes after this gorilla operation could be ridiculously expensive. Also i'm curious to see how someone fights an army that's potentially mostly children.

  3. As some of you may know a video on youtube came out about a man trying to make Joseph Kony famous, or show how infamous this man is and the group he leads. I felt like I should share it with our community if you guys haven't watched it yet.



    Even though I've studied quite a bit about current events in Africa I've never heard of this group or Joseph Kony. and for some people on this website I feel like it's a good eye opener what's going on in central Africa.


    also show support either by going to the website and donating or spreading the video around.

  4. I wanted to buy this game as well. but for the same reason as everyone else the monthly fee just isn't appealing to me. I've always like the pre-movie stories that Star Wars provides. Especially Darth Revan's story. but the payments make the game not worth it for me.

  5. I'm curious to hear what games people are looking forward to in the coming years, or if there's a game that got canceled you wish didn't. Or if there's a game you wish would come out but will probably never even come out.


    Personally I'm looking forward to halo 4, mainly because I look forward to the story line. Wish Starcraft Ghost wouldn't of been canceled. Praying Starwars Republic commando 2 will be made, and a new RTS Warcraft

  6. I'd rather have our government focusing on our dollar. I never knew how fast inflation can act. I might be ignorant and what would be the best method of to save out economy. But I know the plan they all agreed on a while ago can't be it.

    Oh and for a laugh

  7. I find it weird how when Obama was running for president he addressed the issue of putting people in prison without trial. and now this issue is coming up Obama might not veto this bill. I hate politicians so many of them are hypocrites and only care about self gain.

  8. I can understand how some people would like to have the army and other authorities to be able to act arrest, interrogate, and potentially kill. But it is taking rights away from citizens. God forbid if we put trial to potential terrorist in America. I heard one argument saying "If a l terrorist is put on trial and is judged "innocent", that potential terrorist once let free can go kill people!". Well If they do their fucking job right we don't have to worry about letting them free. I feel like they want to pass this bill so they can do things easier, without actually doing a trial.


    However if this bill is passed I won't be upset compared to others. My worry is the ignorant and bias people who could use this to prosecute an innocent person.


    For the internet security bill it shouldn't affect majority of websites since most make sure to stay away from copyright infringement and enforce such things already. so in my opinion it probably won't even do much to the major websites but I don't know what scale our government will go to. I still don't like it. It reminds me of what China is doing with their internet security. Their's people in china who don't even know what happened in Tienanmen square, nor the huge riots that went on. and it would be easy for our government to do so.
