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Posts posted by Zar

  1. Hell the site's default theme already shows its age. Look at all that unused space on the margins! This was fine when we only had 4:3 screens!


    Can confirm, 1440p monitors here, everything is tiny as fuck.

    That is what ctrl + is for ;)

  2. Well here's kind of the update. a few weeks ago I got a concussion. after racing Friday I had to scratch because I was experiencing a lot of dizziness which got to the point where it was an endangerment to myself and my friends. I scratch today as well. my hope is that because I got some recovery time I'll be able to skate tomorrow. I also forgot to mention my name is Adam. So if you see an Adam skating tomorrow that's me.

    Good luck speedskater. Will be watching! It is kinda fun reading about you.



    ^ what were the chances of that. Still blows me away. Not to thread jack your stuff but heard a few new things from good ol' buffet. My buddy that I read meters with was telling me, they now print out a report about your daily activities (every break, every time you take a piss, every time you leave your truck idle for more than 20 seconds, every time you exceed the speed limit) and they lay it out on the table for everyone to see. This is every day. Can you imagine the drama that would cause? Jesus, I miss the pay and benefits but F that.


    Yup, I'm just boring old Zero. I don't know how to code or even give any useful input, I had to buy everyone's friendship through rapidshare accounts. haha, not really but... ok maybe a little.


    I can imagine you get the opportunity to take some amazing pictures on a daily basis.


    How long are your ventures out into the Alaskan wild?

    Holy crap you serious? That is so ridiculous. I can't believe people would put up with that. They already were getting annoying when they caught you milking your reads.


    Alaska has some great views that is for sure. Its fun to go into my backyard and take photos to send to my family and friends in the lower 48. They are like wow you must have traveled really far to get those pictures. And I am like yeah sure its my backyard had to walk over 1000 inches! XD


    I do the digging and survey stuff during the summer months May-Aug. Then teaching, lab work, writing, 3D mapping and cataloging during the winter months (notice no fall or spring months just a few weeks of that) with the occasional glacial and frozen lake core drilling during January-Feb.


    I will take a picture tomorrow and show that the leaves are already changing. Autumn has arrived in late August already. haha!

  4. Is Zero DR WINKEY?! also thats cool zar! I am glad things are going well and I am too lazy to write more than that! lol Looks awesome and glad your doing well.

    I don't think so . . . Winkey is a chemistry professor working at Renmin University of China in Beijing or something last time I heard. Zero was a person I met up with at Xenoproductions and we found out that we were doing the same meter reading job for the same large power company. I haven't heard from winkey for a very long time.


    I forget when the last time I was here haha. I have 2 boys now (2 and 5yrs old). Got fixed, so no more kids for me.


    Pacific Power and I parted way last February. A bit of a story behind that but it was long overdue. Reading meters was a good job (for those without any college education) but it would have been 7-8 years in March, it became mindless work for me at that point. My sweetheart of a boss (she was like a mom to me) retired and her replacement was an emotionless ex-sheriff with an extraordinarily dry sense of humor. To make matters worse, the company finally went with GPS tracking on all the vehicles right after I left. So things were looking pretty bleak there.


    ohhh.... what else. In a raging fury of irresponsibility I took out my entire IRA from JP Morgan and blew it on car parts, a new GT70 laptop, office equipment for my wife, and forget what else. Part of it sorta fell through the cracks. I planned on going to college for CIS but that just never built much momentum. Looking for work currently, luckily unemployment is kicking me $450/week but I'm still unsure what I'm doing. All i know is I need to figure it out quick. Waiting to hear back from a underground utility locating company to see if I did well enough on their placement test.


    Ending up here after googling my email looking for places where I left it open for the public to see. Too much spam and it was endless. You have facebook?

    Awesome, congrats on the family big daddy! Time sure does fly by doesn't it? WOW!


    GPS tracking. . . Oh man that is such bull. What will Warren Buffett think of next to get rid of the meter reader. I think if I would have stayed in Idaho doing meter reading then I would probably be out of a job by now since they laid off so many due to automatic meters. I wish I would of had a nice boss while in Idaho. My last one was a jerk. We always felt like our job was at risk no matter what we did.


    Yeah most of my friends are looking for work too. Its getting hard out there to land in a good paying job. I had to come up to Alaska to avoid all the competition in the Archaeological world in the lower 48. There still is competition for jobs up here but the economy is way better than everywhere else.


    I used to have a facebook but when I started teaching I was advised to get rid of it. So I did.


    It was great to catch up with you! I hope you find a good job soon!

  6. Ah... moving up in the world since I've last been here. Nice work.

    Fc3sZero long time no see. How you been? I stopped reading meters for Rocky Mountain Power and very happy I went back to school. It doesn't pay as much as a meterman (my old goal with the power company) but I still get to be outside. How is your family doing? Any new kids since the last visit?

  7. Nature! The beauty! How lucky. I'd enjoy the sights there just because of how pristine it still is. What exactly are you guys doing digs for out there?

    It's all based on information to help find out the answers to important anthropological questions about the Americas. For example what are some of the high latitude adaptations. We are trying study human-environment interactions in the arctic and subarctic. How the people moved across the landscape following their technological and economic changes, and answering questions about the colonization of Beringia and the New World

  8. I am not trying to be downer but when someone says "Youth leader" and "ambassador" in the same paragraph with a description, you never think oh I want to be free advertising for a company and go around to all my friends and students to tell them to use a product. But hey if you need the "word of mouth" marketing experience go for it! I guess if you are into the whole door to door salesmen stuff. They can make a lot of money if they are good at it. So why dont you get a job door to door selling knives. That will get you good experience and you will get paid for it. LOL just saying . . . .


    Multi level marketing, marketing, self inflicted slave labor. Sounds sweet! >.<


    This was my favorite part of the application


    General responsibilities include: • Word-of-Mouth and guerrilla-marketing


    LOL guerrilla-marketing? Now they want product activists haha! wow


    I could see it now, Viper spray paints graffiti all over campus the words "PEPSI DRINK THIS SHIZ!" then the next week he organizes a flash mob and they all start throwing pepsi bottles at passers by saying "get addicted to pepsi I mean buy pepsi now or we kill you!"




  9. Application: http://mry.cm/AmbassadorApp

    Deadline: Sunday, August 18th

    Please Say That: "Rob Goldman" Referred You

    You'll Thank Me Later


    30 year old grad student, I guess I could be considered "Youth" to 60 year olds. Probably not for those that already have a degree. So are you working for these people or are you an ambassador yourself? I guess these companies are desperate for free advertising and free labor by giving a cool name to the applicants that the title ambassador is only given to student body representatives. Interesting tactic, "Brand Ambassadors."

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