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Everything posted by Aimcrack

  1. Aimcrack

    Hack Making Help....

    That is a start but that's the very beginning of anything you'll be able to do and you'll need more than a memory searcher to find what you need to make some impressive hacks like the popular ones you may have seen around. A memory searcher can find so many things but it also very limited to it's power.
  2. Aimcrack

    Hack Making Help....

    C++ and Asm don't necessarily have programs they have compilers that put together code that you have written. You're going to have to learn the language before you really bother with Starcraft hacks. Go to Microsoft.com and look up Visual C++, and you should find a download for VC++ but as I said before you're going to have to learn the language before you can do much with the program.
  3. Aimcrack

    Hack Making Help....

    To make a .dll you're going to have to learn C++ or Asm, and if you were to make a .dll you can't just randomly edit minerals and gas online because it will drop you, you have to find exploits by fiddling around and maybe using OllyDbg.
  4. Aimcrack

    Hack Ideas

    I'm not shooting down what you said, I mean there could be some miraculous way to do both of them but from general knowledge one is patch and the other is a little out there.
  5. Aimcrack

    Nova's Here

    Yeah, go Californians.
  6. Aimcrack

    Hack Ideas

    Morphing was patched, and I doubt teleport is possible, but someone could look into it if they want.
  7. Aimcrack

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

    I respect your personal opinion but how does a glob of numbers and words that don't make sense seem easier than C++ which is closer being able to be read and understood.
  8. Aimcrack

    You've Been Deershank'd

    It got old really fast. I think it should be dropped.
  9. Aimcrack

    Web Cam Sex Is Bad!

    I think I've seen that before. Pretty funny I guess.
  10. Aimcrack

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

    I believe it's easier than asm.
  11. Aimcrack

    Wanna Talk To Vipersrt3g?

    Must get photoshop back, me has goood ideazzz :)
  12. Aimcrack

    Welcome To The Dark Side,we Have Cookies

    It's a picture of him Zander.
  13. Aimcrack

    Sig I Made For A Friend

    Why don't you just originally have it 400x125 and just set the dpi higher, and you'll have better quality.
  14. Aimcrack

    [Gaming] Gundam Century

    LAN or private server. We have a private server here, but I don't have the registry key for it, you'll have to ask someone else.
  15. Aimcrack

    Best Places To Have Sex...

    Little cramped.... .... Out on your front lawn. That's why it's fun, I say while skydiving.
  16. Aimcrack

    Death Of The Father?

    If I find out they can turn sperm into bone marrow, I'm never getting a bone marrow transplant if I ever needed it because it may come from sperm donors. Eff that.
  17. Aimcrack

    Post a picture of yourself

    Sadly in one of my classes I was called cracky, 1. Because I'm white 2. I guess because what you just said lol 3. I came in that class really drunk.. I earned the name of an idiot in there.
  18. Aimcrack

    Prank Call Radio Tonight!

    I'll get in the Irc and listen on the radio.... if I'm not at or going to my gf's house.
  19. Aimcrack

    Post a picture of yourself

    Lol, you're a dick. And I don't know, I've heard that about almost all of my gf's. I guess I'm just lucky, but I'm sticking with this one.
  20. Aimcrack

    Post a picture of yourself

    --This is my gf and I before her Junior Prom. --Here is a pic of just me, I got caught by surprise by my friend. --Here's one last one of me, obviously I'm on the right.
  21. Aimcrack

    Why does GC torture me?

    Because you trademarked your username. Unless you were joking why would you say that's the issue when multiple people who haven't get the same problem. And for me, I don't get that because when I'm done looking around, I don't logout I just close the page. And when I come back I'm still logged in.
  22. Aimcrack

    Everyone Force A New Patch

    Problem resolved... If Promasser wants to reopen the topic he can. Note: For future notice, flames are going to be kept a closer eye on.
  23. Aimcrack

    Secret Buttons In Ie7

    That's interesting, I just started playing with them :)
  24. Aimcrack


    Yeah, I think hes scared of me now lol. Nah, I don't think he's scared of you, I told him I was going to secks him multiple times.. lol
  25. Aimcrack

    Zerogamers Re-opened!

    I doubt they got mixed I looked in a couple different areas and it had mostly the same downloads in every one.