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SMapColors Source

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;DLL Template made by Saken						

.Model Flat, StdCall

include masm32includewindows.inc
include masm32includemasm32.inc
include masm32includeuser32.inc
include masm32includekernel32.inc
include masm32includedebug.inc
includelib masm32libmasm32.lib
includelib masm32libuser32.lib
includelib masm32libkernel32.lib
includelib masm32libdebug.lib

include Data.inc
include SMapColors.inc
include GameFunctions.inc
include TextFunctions.inc
include HotKeys.inc

NOPs				db 100 dup (90h)
DLStatus			db 65h

ThreadID			dd ?
Thread			dd ?


DllEntryPoint proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD

mov eax, reason
	invoke CreateThread, NULL, 0, addr HotkeyLoop, 0, 0, addr ThreadID
	mov Thread, eax

DllEntryPoint endp
End DllEntryPoint



HotkeyLoop proc

mov edx, offset Distract

 invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMPAD1
.if eax == 0FFFF8001h
invoke WriteMem, 47FF61h, addr DrawMapColors1, 3h
invoke MiddleTextDisplay, addr TextMapColors1

invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMPAD2
.if eax == 0FFFF8001h
invoke WriteMem, 47FF64h, addr DrawMapColors2, 6h
invoke MiddleTextDisplay, addr TextMapColors2

invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMPAD3
.if eax == 0FFFF8001h
invoke WriteMem, 47FF70h, addr DrawMapColors3, 3h
invoke MiddleTextDisplay, addr TextMapColors3

invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMPAD4
.if eax == 0FFFF8001h
invoke WriteMem, 47FF70h, addr DrawMapColors4, 3h
invoke MiddleTextDisplay, addr TextMapColors4

invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMPAD5
.if eax == 0FFFF8001h
invoke WriteMem, 47FF7Dh, addr DrawMapColors5, 6h
invoke MiddleTextDisplay, addr TextMapColors5

invoke Sleep, 2
jmp @Again

HotkeyLoop endp


BWFXN_PrintText	 dd 48D0C0h
BWFXN_MiddleText	dd 48D1C0h
BWFXN_PlaySound		dd 48ED50h
BWFXN_IssueCommand  dd 485BD0h

Distract			 db 0, "Noob", 00h
TextMapColors1	   db 03h, "Map Color", 02h, " 1", 00h
TextMapColors2	   db 03h, "Map Color", 03h, " 2", 00h
TextMapColors3	   db 03h, "Map Color", 04h, " 3", 00h
TextMapColors4	   db 03h, "Map Color", 05h, " 4", 00h
TextMapColors5	   db 03h, "Map Color", 06h, " 5", 00h

RestoreMapColors1	db 8Ah, 06h, 7h
DrawMapColors1	   db 90h, 90h, 90h
DrawMapColors2	   db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
RestoreMapColors2	db 8Ah, 0A8h, 0A0h, 73h, 59h, 00h
DrawMapColors3	   db 90h, 90h, 90h
RestoreMapColors3	db 8Ah, 46h, 6h
DrawMapColors4	   db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
RestoreMapColors4	db 8Ah, 88h, 0A0h, 73h, 59h, 00h
DrawMapColors5	   db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
RestoreMapColors5	db 08Ah, 0A8h, 0A0h, 073h, 059h, 00h

White1			   db 2h
Yellow2			  db 3h
BrightWhite		  db 4h
Grey				 db 5h
Red3				 db 6h
Green4			   db 7h



BWTextDisplay proc			TextM:DWORD

	xor eax, eax
	mov edi, TextM
	call dword ptr [BWFXN_PrintText]

BWTextDisplay endp

MiddleTextDisplay proc			TextM:DWORD

	xor eax, eax
	or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
	push 00h
	push TextM
	call dword ptr [BWFXN_MiddleText]

MiddleTextDisplay endp

Edited by Saken15

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