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[1.11b] EasyPlay Pick-It Configuation GUI v2.2

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File Name :: EasyPlay Pick-It Configuation GUI v2.2

Author :: adzman

Category :: 1.11b

Description ::

EasyPlay Pick-It Configuation GUI<br>As of right now I only have items that came with the defaul 'items.ini'. This will change very soon.<br><br>v2.0 Changes<br>- Added all Uniques possible<br>v1.1 Changes<br>- Fixed a bug that cause half normal items to not show up<br>- Added all Unique armor<br>- Added TABCTL32.OCX to the zip (look below for reason)<br>v1.02 Changes<br>- Fixed a bug involving normal items<br>v1.01 Changes<br>- Fixed a bug that dealt with the ethereal checkboxes<br><br>A little explanation on how things are done:<br>Pick - Pick up the item (duh)<br>Tele - Teleport to the item (duh)<br><br>Ethereal:<br>Yes - If you want the item to be ethereal<br>No - If you don't want the item to be ethereal<br>If you don't care if it is ethereal or not just leave it blank<br><br>Sockets:<br>If you don't care if you the item has sockets or not leave this field blank<br>If you want the item to have a certain amount of items, just put that item in there<br>If you want the item to have a couple of different sockets (I.E. you want a vortex shield with either 0 or 4 sockets) then separate the numbers with a comma (0,4)<br><br>Any of the options left blank will revert to there default value when exporting<br><br>After hitting the 'Export Pick-It File', a file called 'items.ini' will be created in the folder where you put the application. Put this in your EasyPlay Folder or just keep my program in there<br><br>If you get an error that says you are missing TABCTL32.OCX, then put that file (came with the zip) into C:\WINDOWS\system32. Do this ONLY if you get the error.<br><br><br>To-Do List (In this order)<br>- Add the option of Supirior/Normal/Both in the Normal tab, or add a whole new tab altogether (should be easy, but I thought I'd try to release this before EB)<br>- Add more items(Hopefully it will contain all items)<br>- Devise a way to import existing 'items.ini'<br>- Fix tab order<br><br> -Adam Zechman (a.k.a. adzman)


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