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Power up

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About This File

This program allows you to hit a single key in a game and execute your various powerups like battle orders/energy shield/holy shield etc.


You can have 2 different sequences/hotkeys. Run this script once and it stays in the background. It will wait/not do much until you are in a game and actually want a hotkey. This program will work either running D2 in window or full screen mode. You must obviously be somewhere you can cast the skills. I.E. if Battle Orders you must not be in town etc. You can run this program either before or after you get in a game, or even bring up D2.


How it works in a nutshell: Simply run the program. It hides in the background. Now whenever you want to rebuff/refresh, simple hit the key you defined in ActionKey in the .ini file and wait for the sequence to finish, then resume your activities.


Note: if you have any support issues, when you ask, include your powerup.ini file and powerupdebugini.log file with the inquiry. It is hard enough to troubleshoot remotely even with this information but almost impossible without it.


AutoIt Version: 3.x

Language: English

Platform: Windows XP


Written by: Snipeye [[email protected]]
