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Portrait Unlocker

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About This File

-Step 1.

Download the File (Orly?)


-Step 2.

Login to Starcraft 2.


-Step 3.



-Step 4.

double click the .EXE file


-Step 5.

now press F4

Watch your screen... put on a happy face before you sleep and... just sit back and Relax

Want to stop? Just hit F4 again let the last cycle finish its route... and it should end.

Have fun!


Yes, you guessed it. This is a portrait unlocker; basically it's a looped macro that joins and leaves and joins and leaves and joins and leaves 4v4 games. In case you didn't know, in team games, if you leave and your teamate wins you still get the wins. So using the logic that 4v4 means more people to win you the game, this essentially wins (and loses) you games. If you don't care about your 4v4 record (Because who does) then this will earn you all the team portraits ever. It automatically joins and leaves 4v4 games immediately. So sleep. And get pretty avatars. Everyone wins.


IMPORTANT: Change your resolution to 1680x1050 when using this. It uses the scripting macro program known as AutoHotkey, and the locations it presses are on an xy axis based on a 1680x1050 screen.

What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.
