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External Map Hack for StarCraft II (OS X version)

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About This File

This file was not tested by Ghoztcraft staff (remove this if tested, I don't have a mac)



Tested in SC2 1.1 on OS X Snow Leopard


This is an open source external map hack for StarCraft 2, it doesn't modify

the game's memory in any way. It doesn't attach anything to the game. It

just reads the process' memory and generates a .json file with the map size

and unit/building coordinates 3 times per second.


You need to write your own viewer program to actually SEE the minimap. I'm

working on a html5+canvas version so I can see the minimap on my phone while

I play. I'll open source that too...


In order to be safe, you need to run this program as root, and SC2 as a

normal non-admin user.




I plan to add a lot more stuff to this, like stats for all the armies in the

map and warnings (Player 3 built a dark templar, Player 5 built a banshee,

etc). Patches/suggestions/bug fixes are more than welcome :)


Share and enjoy.
