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Annihilation X2

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Originally Posted by Readme.txt<br />----------------------------------------<br />Annihilation X2 Revision 5<br />Changes: Released for v1.13f<br />----------------------------------------<br />Powered by AMD Athlon 64 FX-57<br /><br />Programmed by AgentGOD & NickF<br />Thanks to Zynastor for Command Engine<br />Thanks to Drakken for Original Damned666 Macros<br /><br />HotKeys:<br />F5 - Terran Mineral Hack<br />F6 - Supply Hack (Probably patched)<br />F7 - Zerg Mineral Hack (Probably patched)<br />F8 - Unit Crash<br />F9 - "Rock" Mineral Hack (For Zerg, Protoss and Terran)<br />F11 - Freeze Crash<br />F12 - Lag Defender<br />~ - Full Functional MultiCommand<br />Numpad 0 - Displays list for Terran Mineral Hack<br />Numpad 1 to 5 - Sets the corresponding buildings<br /><br />Commands:<br />/cancel - The Cancel tool for "Nydus Anywhere"<br />/finger - Give them the middle finger :-)<br />/jesus - "Jesus hates you." :-)<br />/nazi - Swastika<br />/naked - Boobies!<br />/nuke - Fake "Nuclear Launch detected" message.<br />/cheat - Fake "Cheat Enabled" message<br />/bnet - Fake Battle.net Message<br /><br />Note: To use the nydus anywhere "hack", you must have a Zerg Hive. You build a Nydus canal anywhere.<br />Now, hit enter, and type /cancel, but do NOT hit enter yet. Now, tell that nydus canal to nydus to anywhere, but select the nydus (the new one that is building),<br />and hit enter. Now you should get a drone. Anything you send through the nydus will come out of the drone. If you tell the drone to build something, that will become it.<br />If you kill the drone, or whatever, the next created unit will become the exit. If nothing gets created, and you send a unit through, Starcraft will crash.<br /><br />You should disable the MultiCommand in iNHALE. In this release, i've included a modified inhale.ini with MultiCommand disabled.<br />
