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OpSearcher v2.1

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About This File

Searches a process and its modules for a user defined HexString that represents Assembly Operation Codes.


OpCode Searcher v2.1




REQUIRED TO RUN OpCode Searcher!!




What does it do?


Searches a process and its modules for a user defined HexString that represents Assembly Operation Codes.


What is it used for?


Through its wildcard searching it can find the address of OpCodes over multiple patches and is therefore a fast way to update memory based hacks.



Steps for use:


1. Make a .txt file as defined in Sample.txt

2. Load OpSearcher.exe and select the Executable E.g. Bf2.exe and Input file E.g. Sample.txt

3. Type in any additional Module Names you require to be searched E.g. RendDx9.dll

- These MUST be seperated with a semi-colon E.g. RendDx9.dll; kernel32.dll

- Other than that spaces are ignored along with case.

4. Set any cmd line parameters for the process load you want.

5. Click Load Process - OpSearcher will wait for 20sec to give the process a chance to load.

6. After OpSearcher has successfully dumped the Modules to Files you can click Search.


Note: You only need to 'Load Process' once per Module Version unless the dump files or OpSearcher are moved.

Note: Look at profile.ini to see how to save these settings.



MSDN & Google, Chaotik for the idea & for waiting so long for me to complete it




Sparten, Chaotik, Captain Cox, Paleface, UC Mods and all that contribute to the game hacking community.




[email protected]

