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Annihilation {XT} + Source

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About This File

Annihilation {XT} (for patch v1.13c)


Annihilation {XT} (for patch v1.13c)

Programmed by Agent_GOD


Insert - Maphack v2.0

F5 - Vulture crash

F6 - drone float

F7 - suicide

F8 - Mineral hack (Automatically chooses between buildings Terran ONLY!) Also works for Barracks.

F11 - Zerg Mineral Hack Method/Supply Hack

F12 - Lag Defender

+ - Fake MSBlast.exe distribution

* - Toggle Color Hack

Shift 1 - 8 for Color Hack

F9 - Toggle MultiCommand (Full function)


/cancel - Cancels construction (use for nydus trick, and new Mineral hack)

/drone - Spawns 5 drones from a larva

/list - Shows list for drop hack

/drop # - Drops the corresponding player

/left # - Kicks the corresponding player

/unitcrash - Uses the currently selected worker/central building to crash any player that looks at it.

/refund - Gives back the minerals from the selected worker, and kills it.

/freeze - Freeze Hack, hit Delete after.

/supply - Supply hack for Terran and Protoss


Extra Features:

Automatic Host Hack upon join

Automatic Null Drop Timer

Vulture Crash Detection and Protection *Not implemented yet!

Macros from Damned666



Command Engine by Zynastor

MultiCommand base hook by Jakor, Full version by AgentGOD

Debug Protection by AgentGOD

Exploit functions discovered by AgentGOD & DeathKnight2004

Drakken for Macros

Drakken for DLL Template

Drakken for Damnation

Zynastor for Maphack v1.12b

Palomino for Ultimate Host Hack

..And the rest by AgentGOD



Thank you all with kindness
