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About This File

Spoof HackDeley Decreaser Hack


What it does :


Spoof Hack (Use the name of everybody in a game ! "Color accepted") :

Start Starcraft, log on Battle.net and press Alt-Tab to go in Power-Hack

Put the name you want to spoof in the text box (You can use color with the list box) and go back in Starcraft.

Press F12 when you're in the chat room to run the spoofer.

Each times you want to spoof, press F12 in the channel.

Delay Decreaser Hack (Use it to not feel the lag in a game) :

Press F9 to run it.

Press F9 again to stop it.

Flood Hack (Only for registered users) :

Put the message you want to flood in the 1st text box.

In the 2nd text box, put the delay between each repetition of the message.

To use it, keep F8 pressed in game.


