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[BROKEN/PATCHED] iCCup Hack Bypass

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About This File

iCCup bypassing software.



iCCup bypassing software. Allows users to use 3rd party programs of their choice on iCCup servers.

As you all know, iCCup was designed for StarCraft competition, but they were too strict and rejected

harmless 3rd party software being loaded with the game. This software is the cure for that restriction and

will allow you to use as much 3rd party software as you'd like (as long as they are compatible with each other)!



- StarCraft or Brood War patched to v1.16.1

- An x86/x64 CPU

- A modern Windows-NT based operating system (XP and above). Both x86 and x64 are supported.

- Microsoft® Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86), can be found here:


- Microsoft® .NET Framework v2.0 (minimum), can be found here:



Tested with:

- Apocalypse v4.02 - The Ultimate StarCraft Multihack

- QUnit

- EliteControl v1.9 (normal mode)

- Zynastor's Oblivion v4.01



1. Load StarCraft/Brood War with iCCup Launcher with anti-hack enabled.

2. Inject the iCCupKiller module with LoaderX or other loader before loading other 3rd party modules.

3. Load other 3rd party modules.

4. Login to iCCup's custom battle.net.

5. Create/join a game.

6. After the game starts, you should see a Startup message. If you do not,

this version of iCCupKiller may be outdated and needs to be updated.

7. Enjoy using 3rd party software on StarCraft/Brood War with anti-hack on ;)

[For those of you who still don't get it, that means maphack away!]


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