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BasicMC /Sniper Tool

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About This File

Sniper tool added/worker multicommand


BasicMC.dll by Saken v1.0.1

Starcraft / Broodwar v1.16.1




Sniper follower:

To use this tool you must select your sniper and type "/fs 3-5" and it will follow

that sniper everywhere it go. You will NOT get dropped for using this tool. So think

of it like a non maphack but the sniper goes to the player sniper.




Commands Game:

/wstop - All workers will automaticlly stop

/wattack - All workers will attack where your mouse is

/wmove - All workers will move where your mouse is

/estop - Every unit will stop

/eattack - Every unit will attack where your mouse is

/emove - Every unit will move where your mouse is


Commands Sniper Game: Works on any Sniper that supports 6 players

/fs3 - Follow player 3 Sniper

/fs4 - Follow player 4 Sniper

/fs5 - Follow player 5 Sniper



Jiggie - for some functions.

Zynastor - for his awsome zloader/selection hack


